Coming Unraveled this Christmas with Knitting in the Park and Yarn Bowls
How To's,  Knitting

Coming Unwound This Christmas

Hand-winding hanks and skeins of yarn

Knitters everywhere are furiously knitting their way through the last minute Christmas gifts – while I’m still unpacking my yarn and knitting tools/notions and figuring out where or how to store it all in my new home office.  In one of the knitting groups that I belong to on Facebook, there is an ongoing questions about hand winding hanks and skeins of yarn versus using a tool to wind your yarn.

Most hanks of yarn need wound or you are in for a world of frustration later on.  Just last year my dad helped hold a hank for me while I hand wound it and told me of how he used to sit and hold yarn for my grandmother who hand wound her yarn before working on her crochet projects.  As a kid she tried to teach me, but I didn’t have the patience to sit still long enough to learn how to crochet.  Knowing that she hand wound her yarn, makes me feel a bit closer to her when I do the same.  We lost her when I was young, so remembering her is becoming harder and harder through the years.  I’m so glad to have something like fiber arts to share as a passion and feel a closeness.

I think the “debate” on this topic is silly and superfluous.  This comes down to a personal preference and is totally up to you.   Aside from the familial connection, I prefer hand winding my yarn because it creates a tighter, more spherical yarn ball verses some of the tools cylindrical “cake” shape.  I also have a beautiful hand made yarn bowl to help unravel my yarn as a knit that was a Christmas gift – and I like to use it as much as possible, so I wind my hanks smaller.

Coming Unraveled this Christmas with Knitting in the Park

If you like to quickly wind up your yarn, and without too much thought, then a winder is for you.  If you prefer not to spend the money on another tool that takes up a chunk of space, then hand winding might be your preferred option.

How to Wind by Hand:

  1. Find the end you want to work with.

    How to start winding a ball of yarn by hand

  2. Wrap it around your fingers a good number of times

    Step two fro hand winding a ball of yarn

  3. Pull the wound yarn off of your fingers and turn it perpendicular, and wrap until you feel it’s time to change direction

    Step 3 for hand winding a ball of yarn

  4. Just keep turning and wrapping until you have a ball.

Hand wound ball of yarn from Knitting in the Park