Knitting,  What's on my needles wednesday

This shawl is the Cherry on top!

No really, that’s the colorway.

When my husband is on night shift, and there’s no adult in the house to tell me to put down the needles and go to bed…I stay up way too late knitting. So I have been able to finish my calico seashell shawl for Darn Good Yarn, and knock the out the majority of my new WIP. This shawl is just the cherry on top of a great week.

This yarn is from Lion Brand and it’s their Ferris Wheel Yarn in “Cherry on Top”

Also, I know I’m a day late for my Work in Progress Wednesday Post. I started working with a new client this week so I got a little side tracked. Building influencer programs is the way I professionally nerd out.

The Cherry on Top is the name of this beautiful colorway from Lion Brand Yarn. It’s almost like a roving yarn. It’s very soft, and fun to work with. The colors are stunning as you can see. In fact, I shared this in their mandala facebook group and there are over 170 likes on it so far. Guys, the shawl’s not even done yet.

I can’t wait to finish this baby and share the pattern. This should be done in the next couple of days. Still playing with names for it. Like most of my pattern names, they usually hit me, oh…when I’m about ready to hit publish.

Musings from a Knitwear designer: sales are down. It seems like the trend for demanding free patterns isn’t just affecting me, but designers across the industry. I have a hard time with asking for money for my patterns, but when I do it, it’s so that I can keep designing and offering you patterns. So like the saying goes – a rising tide lifts all boats. If you invest in a $2.00 pattern (come on you pay more for movie rentals on iTunes).

Other Musings: my browser keeps trying to tell me that “colorway” isn’t a word. Go away Google.