Christmas Wine Bottle Sweater
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Christmas Wine Bottle Sweater

When you feel like a bottle of wine just isn’t enough, dress it up!

The Christmas Wine Bottle Sweater came to me, after scrolling through Pinterest for new ideas for a last minute hostess gift.  I didn’t have the time to knit the full sweaters that I had previously used and drafted myself.  So when I saw someone used a half sweater, and it worked wonderfully, I said to myself I gotta try something like that. 

This Christmas Wine Bottle Sweater could easily be edited and made into a full sweater, but there is something simple and sweet about stopping part way up the bottle.  For the yarn, I had purchased some of the glittery Vanna’s Glamour from the partnership of Vanna White and Lion Brand.  I’ve been saving it for something special.  This hostess gift was it!  Friends of ours graciously open their home and throw a wonderful party.  They’re the kind of life long friends you cherish.  The kind where you don’t need to show up with something in your hand, but you just want to gift them something special. 

When I first started the pattern for the Christmas Wine Bottle Sweater, I was working with a single skein of yarn, but with this being Fine weight, I wasn’t going to make my deadline in time.  I doubled it up and got to work, and it knitted up pretty quickly with the use of a chunky braided cable.